Follow CapnCoconuts for list updates and other things he posts.
The following musicians were nominated and selected for inclusion into the Audio Underdog List. These artists need more love. You can give them more love by writing reviews for their music, sharing that music with your friends, and/or sharing this list with your friends. Try to get your friends to nominate users!
For your convenience, nominators have selected one song written by each nominee which they felt was most suitable for expressing the talent of their nominated artist. For being such good sports, I've also listed the nominators after their nominees. Some of these guys happen to be underappreciated musicians as well, so how about you check them out?
Underdogs are listed with the more recent updates being first; underdogs within those updates are listed chronologically in order of nomination.
All entrees were selected by the list manager due to lack of nominations. Reader, you can help by nominating someone.
DarkantheHero, nominated by CapnCoconuts
- Caustic Synths Man! (Dance Song)
djadj50, nominated by CapnCoconuts
- Dont You See (Hip Hop Song - Modern)
FlyingColours, nominated by CapnCoconuts
- Of Strange Lands and People (Solo Instrument Song)
MockOff, nominated by Wurfel-Waffles
- Conformity (Indie Song)
Krautergeist, nominated by Wurfel-Waffles
- Warfighters (Cinematic Song)
Bspendlove, nominated by Wurfel-Waffles
- The City (Cinematic Song)
Nimble, nominated by Bosa
- [Nim]Act 2: Downtown (Cinematic Song)
industrialplayground, nominated by LichLordMusic
- Murder Me (Industrial Song)
MobiusIII, nominated by CapnCoconuts
- Showdown (Video Game Song)
SpinWires, nominated by FustigateM
- I Don't Care I Love It (Pop Song)
Self-nominations are still forbidden, but you can still get a link to your profile on the list by nominating someone else.
A new list will be posted next week. Help the list by finding more users that need some publicity! If you have a suggestion that isn't too difficult to implement, or just want to make a comment, go right ahead.
To nominate people for this list, please post in this topic here: